Worth It? Indomie Salted Egg Noodles

This is actually my first video review! And it’s something that just I made at the spur of the moment. I wanted to see if I could produce a video quickly and I was able to shoot everything in a little over an hour. The editing part though… I ended up sitting on it for over two months as I overthought things again as I tend to do. When I started to sit down and edit, the whole process took me a few days as I had to do it in my spare time (I work from home during the pandemic).

Anyways, thoughts about the noodles:

  • The noodles taste great. Yes they are still instant but if you’re going to beat your kidneys with something it might as well be something that you will like.
  • Yes they cost about three times the price of regular instant noodles but they are still cheaper than the Korean and Japanese brands.
  • The noodles cook fast, really stick to the two-minute cooking recommendation, I overcooked mine for about a minute because I was trying to shoot and the noodles became a little mushy, but they still tasted great.

Video Review

Other thoughts

This will be part of a series of video projects I’ll be doing over the quarantine period that illustrates how I deal with the isolation and having to struggle with all the emotions it brings.

Save effort and energy by making your stuff multi-task. I boil eggs with the noodles but I always wash my eggs before use. You can take it up a notch by using some of that water to make coffee…