When in isolation, moisturize

It seems that this year might only be defined by two seasons: lockdown and post-lockdown. From what I have read and watched we won’t be returning to how we used to before the pandemic happened, not for a long while, and maybe not ever. I will always be carrying around a mask as part of my emergency kit now and I will be practicing social distancing. I will also need to keep myself from touching my face. It’s the least I could do to not add to the problem that out health workers and front-liners are facing. My heart goes out to them, more so that I know some of them personally and knew of the struggles they face even before all this happened. My heart also goes out to everyone who is out of work and have to depend on government help. I feel it’s never going to be enough, I just hope it reaches those who need it most.

Despite the uncertainties brought about by this pandemic last week is a week that I am grateful for. I’ve finally gotten around to finishing my new blog and I also uploaded my first YouTube video. On the office-side I have also gotten a new project and will have an opportunity to expand my team. I’ve also been losing weight again.

Contrast this to months before when I struggled to get my plans off the ground. I had felt stuck in a cycle that fed off my insecurities and it was taking its toll on my health. I was losing sleep, I was gaining weight (again) and I was really unhappy. I read up on articles and watched videos that would offer some guidance on how I could crawl my way out of this rut, and there are a lot of references I can tell you that, but there seemed to be an underlying message: just start.

Yes, that’s what I’ve been trying to do, but what is the best way to do it?… was my question as I was poring over all this information. I was slowly getting lost again just by trying to find a solution on how to effing start until I realized what the problem was: me. I just simply had to get over myself and just do shit.

The extended community quarantine and the resulting isolation has given me an opportunity to get around doing just that. I had been itching to get stuff done and done right that I realized I was actually really itchy all over, because I have not been treating my body right. I’ve been losing sleep and my skin was getting dry from neglect. I thought I’d start there so I’ve been doing my best to improve my sleep hygiene and moisturizing my skin regularly. I’ve also been trying to eat a little better by getting vegetables when I can and eating a little less, which has enabled me to surpass my weight loss goal (of 69kg). This past week I just decided to get as much as I can do on the blog site done and just go with it. I’ll refine everything over time, done is better than perfect and I found that I am happier and stoked for it.